Fipronil containing granules: TopChoice®/ Taurus® G/Quali-Pro® Fipronil 0.0143G/ Taurus® Trio G

taurustriogtopchoice qualipro taurus











  • Very long true residual control
  • Can be applied in any season (best in early spring)
  • Fertilizer spreader can be used
  • Taurus® Trio G has quick killing pyrethroids in the formulation


  • Not a bait
  • Restricted use product (RUP)
  • Only one application per year
  • Slower than Amdro® (except for Taurus® Trio G)
  • More expensive than bait products

Similar Products: None

Application Rate, Broadcast: 87 lbs. per acre (2 lbs/1000 square feet) followed by irrigation. Do not use as an individual mound treatment.

Speed of Control:  3-4 weeks

Duration of Control: very long true residual control, 8-12+ months; colonies migrating into treated areas will die off in 3-4 weeks, as if they had been treated; only one application per year is even allowed.

Approximate product cost: TopChoice® – $200/50 lbs.; Taurus® G – $80/30 lbs.; Quali-Pro® Fipronil – $90/30 lbs.; and Taurus® Trio G – $90/30 lbs.  All are spread at 2 lbs. /1000 square feet

Best used for: Very thorough, long-lasting control for high traffic areas and “high end” properties.

Best season for application: Can be used at any time of year since it is not a bait, but best if spread in early spring before fire ant mounds get too large.  Taurus Trio G delivers quick knock down of fire ants especially foragers, due to added quick acting pyrethroids in formulation, while providing long residual activity.

Sources: Commercial pesticide suppliers

Toxicity: very low; do not apply where granules may be washed into water

Agricultural Uses: None

Mixing with other products: None labeled.

General Comments: These fipronil containing products are very effective, but expensive relative to most baits. While no bait provides true (chemical) residual control, these products will kill reinvading colonies for many months. Taurus® Trio G delivers quick knock down of fire ants (due to added quick acting pyrethroids in formulation) while providing long residual activity due to fipronil.

Manufacturer: Bayer Environmental Science (Top Choice®)/Control Solutions, Inc. (Taurus® G)/Quali-Pro® (Fipronil 0.0143 G, Taurus® Trio G)

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This site is intended to cover only broadcast-applied fire ant control products and slow acting fipronil containing granular products. Literally dozens of products are available as individual mound treatments. Contact your local Extension Agent or return to for more information on individual mound treatments.

Because of the constantly changing availability of fire ant insecticides, it is virtually impossible to include every product on the market. Mention of a product on this site does not imply an endorsement by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, the Southern Region IPM Center or any cooperating state. Lack of mention does not imply that the product is not an effective fire ant control product.

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