- Speed of Amdro, longer duration of control of an IGR product (Extinguish)
- Formulated to be applied with fertilizer spreader
- May be used around companion animals, e.g., horses
- Widely available in retail stores
- Slower than Advion
- No pasture label (versus Amdro Pro + Extinguish hopper blend)
- Large volume needed for large land areas, best for areas 0.5 acre or less
- Expensive compared to low-volume baits
Active Ingredient: 0.0172% s-methoprene and 0.036% hydramethylnon (i.e. Extinguish plus Amdro)
Similar Products: Amdro Pro + Extinguish hopper blend or Extinguish Plus (manufacturer blended product)
Application Rate, Broadcast: 5 lbs. per 5,000 to 10,000 sq ft.
Speed of Control: relatively fast, 2 – 4 weeks
Duration of Control: 2 – 12 months, one application per year is may be sufficient, but depends on reinvasion pressure. Spring and fall application may be preferred.
Approximate Cost: ~ $20 per 5 lb bag (5,000 to 10,000 sq ft) or $170 – $340 per acre
Best used for: Any situation where relatively fast control is needed
Best season for application: Any time ants are foraging for bait
Sources: Department Stores, Garden Centers and Agricultural Suppliers
Toxicity: very low; may be toxic to animals if very large quantities are consumed
Agricultural Uses: On grounds surrounding poultry houses (excluding runs and ranges) or corrals and other animal holding areas which may be fenced pastures and rangeland used solely to support companion animals (e.g., horses) not used for food or feed. However, a 50:50 hopper blend of Extinguish and AmdroPro may be applied to grass forage (pasture and rangeland) for the control of fire ants. Do not cut and bale hay from pastures and rangeland treated with the hopper blend until 7 days after the bait application is made.
Mixing with other products: Generally unnecessary because this is a blend of a toxicant and an insect growth regulator.
General Comments: Amdro Fire Strike combines the speed of hydramethylnon with the longer duration of control of an IGR product (Extinguish). It is a good product that will likely give satisfactory results with a yearly maintenance application. Not recommended for single mound treatments.
Manufacturer: Ambrands®
Web site (including label and MSDS): http://www.amdro.com/All-Products/yard-treatment-fire-ant-bait-granules/labels
This site is intended to cover only broadcast-applied fire ant control products. Literally dozens of products are available as individual mound treatments. Contact your local Extension Agent or return to https://fireant.tamu.edu for more information on individual mound treatments.
Because of the constantly changing availability of fire ant insecticides, it is virtually impossible to include every product on the market. Mention of a product on this site does not imply an endorsement by Texas Cooperative Extension, the Southern Region IPM Center or any cooperating state. Lack of mention does not imply that the product is not an effective fire ant control product.